Caesar software is a Pipeline Stress Analysing Software, which is used for safeguarding Vessel and Pipeline. Due to High Temperature in a pipeline there will be a thermal expansion. This software finds out the damages in thermal expansion.
CAESAR (Computer Aided Engineering Stress Analysing Reporter) is a PC-based pipe stress analysis Training program developed, marketed and sold by COADE Engineering Software. This software package is an engineering tool used in the mechanical design and analysis of piping systems. The CAESAR user creates a model of the piping system using simple beam elements and defines the loading conditions imposed on the system. With this input, CAESAR produces results in the form of displacements, loads, and stresses throughout the system. Additionally, CAESAR compares these results to limits specified by recognized codes and standards. The popularity of CAESAR is a reflection of COADEs expertise in programming and engineering, as well as COADEs education to service and quality.
To know more details about our Piping Stress Analysing Caesar II Course please visit our training institute / call 9504433433 / mail us:
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